- Final-Notice-of-Health-Information-Practices-for-Northern-Nevada-Public-Health-2023.pdf
- Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH)
- About Us
- Programs and Services
- Resources
- Air Quality
- Birth and Death Records
- Commercial Recycling
- Cottage Food
- E. coli
- Environmental Health
- Salmonellosis
- Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act
- Solid Waste Management Plan
- Special Events/Temporary Food
- Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Disposal
- Community And Clinical Health
- Sexual Health
- Family Planning Clinic
- Immunizations
- Will the Health District bill my insurance company for immunizations?
- Will I need an appointment for an immunization or can I just come to the Health District?
- Before we moved to Nevada, my doctor said my child's immunizations were up to date. Why is my school now telling me my child needs more shots?
- Can grandparents bring their grandchildren in for their vaccinations?
- How will I know when my child needs more shots?
- Teen Health Mall
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Vasectomy
- Water Projects/Engineering
- News Center
- COVID-19 Info
- Gastrointestinal_Illness_(GI)_Guidelines-English
- Gastrointestinal_Illness_(GI)_Guidelines-English
- Gastrointestinal_Illness_(GI)_Guidelines-Spanish
- Rash_(Hand_Foot_&_Mouth_Disease)_Guidelines
- Rash_(Hand_Foot_&_Mouth_Disease)_Guidelines_Spanish
- Respiratory_Illness_Guidelines-English
- Respiratory_Illness_Guidelines-Spanish
- Health
- Vol 44 No 09 04-05-2024 Epi News Candida auris.pdf
Will I need an appointment for an immunization or can I just come to the Health District?
Appointments are required for immunizations. We make appointments up to one week in advance. Walk in appointments are limited to schedule openings.
Last modified on 01/09/2015
NOTICE: The Washoe County Health District will be changing its name to Northern Nevada Public Health on Aug. 31, 2023. That move will result in major design changes (look and feel) to the website, a new URL (NNPH.org), a new logo and more. More information on the change will be available soon.