Health District

How do they do a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is done in a doctor’s office or clinic. The doctor numbs the area and then makes a small cut in the scrotum (skin around the testicles) to get to the tubes that carry the sperm (sperm ducts). The doctor then closes off the sperm ducts so that sperm cannot get into the semen (what comes out during an orgasm). When there are no sperm in the semen, you cannot cause a pregnancy.

Illustration showing the location of the sperm duct (tube), seminal vesicle (where sperm is stored), the closed off tube of a vasectomy, the testicle, and the scrotum.

Last modified on 01/12/2015

NOTICE: The Washoe County Health District will be changing its name to Northern Nevada Public Health on Aug. 31, 2023. That move will result in major design changes (look and feel) to the website, a new URL (, a new logo and more. More information on the change will be available soon.