Seasonal Pool and Spa Opening Procedures 2025


Schedule Your Opening Inspection


 The Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) regulates the construction and operation of all aquatic facilities (e.g., pools, spas, water parks, splash pads) to ensure safe water quality and to protect the health of the public and environment.  Pools and spas located at a private residence and used only by family and friends are not subject to these permitting and inspections.  Note that private residences do not include Condominiums or Housing Communities with communal pools.

Any new construction, remodel of existing structures and/or equipment, or modification to the circulation system (e.g., chemical feeders, circulation pumps, filters, etc.) may require plans to be submitted for review by Northern Nevada Public Health.  ANY change in the above equipment requires approval from Northern Nevada Public Health.

All pools and spas that do not operate year-round or that have been closed during the winter months must receive and pass an inspection by Northern Nevada Public Health before they can open.  A link is provided below for Pool and Spa Opening Inspection Requests.  Any deficiencies identified that may pose a threat to the public health or the environment require the pool and/or spa to be closed and the permit to be suspended.  Once all conditions have been properly evaluated and a re-inspection has been completed the permit may be re-instated and the pool and/or spa may be re-opened.

**NNPH Minimum Requirements for an Emergency Phone**  

All emergency phones must meet both criteria listed below for NNPH approval at public bathing places, pools and spas:  

  1. Phone must be hard wired and capable of dialing 911.  Cell phones, phones that are powered on batteries or solar chargers will NOT be allowed.
  2. Phone must be outside the facility enclosure.  An additional phone may be located inside the enclosure.

Signage for the emergency phone(s) must indicate phone location and emergency numbers.  Emergency phone signage example


Pool and Spa Requirements and Maintenance


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Last modified on 03/27/2025