NORTHERN NEVADA Public Health Serving Reno, Sparks & Washoe County
About Us

Mission & Values
Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) strives to improve and protect our community's quality of life and increase equitable opportunities for better health. Our values:
- Collaborative - In unity there is strength.
- Adaptable - Ever evolving and adapting.
- Trustworthy - Doing right by the community.
- Inclusive - Equity and inclusion for all.
- Compassionate - Caring for the health of the community
Quick Facts
Northern Nevada Public Health is nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), meaning our community can feel confident that their health department is providing foundational capabilities and meeting national standards for performance and quality in public health.
- The original accreditation occurred in 2019 after a strenuous accreditation approval process that occurred over a two-year time frame.
- NNPH is governed by the District Board of Health (DBOH), a regional board composed of members of the Reno & Sparks city councils and Washoe County Commission and their appointee, plus a physician licensed in Nevada.
- We our not governed by Washoe County; however, our main location is at the Washoe County Administrative Complex (1001 E. 9th Street, Reno), we use Washoe County's human resources, IT and other internal services, and our staff must follow Washoe County employee policies and procedures.
- We serve the Cities of Reno, Sparks and Washoe County
- ~ 200 NNPH Employees
- 4 Public-Facing Divisions - Learn More

Environmental Health Services (EHS)
Environmental Health (EHS) ensures compliance with local, state and federal laws regulating food, waste, water, vector and other areas of public health in Washoe County. While many programs emphasize enforcement, EHS also maintains strong education components, promoting a collaborative approach with industry to meet established public health goals at the local and national levels.
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Air Quality Management Division (AQMD)
The Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) is dedicated to the protection of air quality and the safeguard of public health for all of Washoe County through the development and implementation of effective programs and regulations while supporting economic growth, community partnerships, and environmental justice.
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Community and Clinical Health Services (CCHS)
Community and Clinical Health Services focuses on disease prevention, community and individual education and wellness. Programs within CCHS include: Chronic Disease Prevention, Immunizations, Maternal Child Health, Tuberculosis, WIC, and Sexual Health which includes Family Planning, HIV and STD services.
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Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness (EPHP)
The Division of Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness (EPHP) conducts disease surveillance and outbreak investigations, coordinates public health response to disasters with partner agencies, and provides training for the community on topics related to public health emergencies, such as bioterrorism and natural disasters. EPHP also provides oversight of Washoe County's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and manages the Office of Vital Records.
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Boards & Committees
Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) is affiliated with several boards, committees, councils and groups.
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Legislative Affairs & Communications
NNPH's Legislative Affairs and Communications/Public Information programs assist not only employees, but also residents.

Volunteer Opportunities
Washoe County Medical Reserve Corps
If you are a licensed medical practitioner, someone with clinical training and experience, or someone with no medical background but the desire to help our community prepare for and respond to a public health emergency, the Washoe County Medical Reserve Corps needs you! In exchange for volunteering your time you will receive public health preparedness and emergency response training, and required vaccinations free of charge. Be informed. Be prepared. Be a Washoe County Medical Reserve Corps volunteer!
Student Opportunities
The Washoe County Health District provides field study opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the following educational institutions:
- Orvis Nursing School (OSN)
- University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM)
- University of Nevada Reno (UNR) School of Community Health Sciences
Last modified on 03/20/2025
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