NORTHERN NEVADA Public Health Serving Reno, Sparks & Washoe County

- Pools/Spas
- Garbage/Animal Waste/Manure (not picked up in over 7 days)
- Hotels/Motels
- Restaurants/Food Establishments
- Child Cares/Schools
- Mobile Home/RV Parks
- Tattoo/Permanent Make-up Establishments
For private residences, including apartments, that are not solid waste/manure complaints, please contact:
Code Enforcement where incident occurred
- City of Reno (775) 334-4636
- City of Sparks (775) 353-4063
- Unincorporated Washoe County (775) 328-6106
Landlord/Tenant issues
- Washoe Legal Services (775) 329-2727
- Nevada Legal Services (775) 284-3491
Septic & Well Records Request or email, and request records for an address and/or parcel number
- Child Care Facility
- Cottage Food Operation
- Farm-to-Fork
- Food Permit
- Food Permit Exemption
- Garbage Exemption
- Tattoo/Permanent Makeup (Invasive Body Decoration)
- Liquid Waste Truck
- Mobile Home/RV Park
- Hotels/Motels (Public Accommodations)
- Pool/Spa (Public Bathing)
- RV Dump Station
- School Permit
- Underground Storage Tank Site Permit
- Waste Management
- Well Construction
Last modified on 12/07/2023
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