Permitting Program

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appointment with
permitting staff
Phone: 775-784-7200


The Air Quality Management Division is hosting a series of workshops to provide further understanding of revisions to the District Board of Health Regulations Governing Air Quality Management, CHAPTER 030 - Source Permitting and Operation. Workshops will be held both in-person and virtually - Register for upcoming workshops or view recordings of previous workshops.

Highlights from these workshops include:

  • Increased minor source permitting threshold
  • Insignificant and exempt emissions units defined in DBOH 030.020.B
  • No more annual reporting (recordkeeping is still required). Visit Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for more information. 
  • 5-year permit renewal process including how to submit an application
  • Annual permit maintenance fees and how they are determined

Do I require a Permit?

Pursuant to District Board of Health (DBOH) Regulations Governing Air Quality Management Section 030.200.A, a permit is required for any source located in Washoe County that emits air pollutants and has a potential to emit (PTE) equal to or greater than the thresholds listed in the table below: 

This table describes Minor and Major Source permitting thresholds in Washoe County
Regulated Criteria 
Minor Source
Potential to Emit
(PTE) Threshold
Major Source
Potential to Emit
(PTE) Threshold
PM10 5 100
PM2.5 5 100
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5 100
Volatile Organic Compounds 5 100
Nitrous Oxides (NOx) 5 100
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 5 100
Lead (Pb) 0.3 100
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) - 10 / 25

Typical facilities that require a Permit to Operate include, but are not limited to: 

  • Gas, oil or solid fuel burning boilers, furnaces or large process ovens
  • Commercial fuel storage facilities or gas stations
  • Paint and surface coating operations
  • Degreasers, dry cleaners, or other processes using solvents
  • Aggregate, concrete or mineral products processing, or mining
  • Analytical labs, chemical processing operations, assay labs
  • Printing press facilities
  • Sawing, grinding, or sanding operations
  • Remediation of soil or water treatment operations
  • Industrial facilities that emit air pollutants
  • Marijuana cultivation and processing operations

General Permits (In Development)  

The AQMD will begin issuing General permits for common source classes beginning mid-2025 pursuant to DBOH Regulations 030.100. General permits are currently in development and may be issued for the following source classes: Fuel Burning Equipment, Emergency Engines, and Gasoline Dispensing Facilities. All new and existing sources consisting solely of one (1) or more emissions units or activities subject to a single General permit shall satisfy the requirement to obtain a permit by obtaining authority to operate under a General permit, when the AQMD has issued a General permit for that source class. A 30-day public review and comment period shall be provided by the AQMD prior to issuance of a proposed General permit.


I have determined that I require a permit, now what?

A Permit to Construct must be obtained prior to constructing or installing equipment or processes which emit air pollutants. Failure to do so could result in enforcement actions, which may include monetary fines. To obtain a Permit to Construct, submit a complete Application for Permit to Construct along with any applicable worksheets and supplemental documents, at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to construction for a Minor Source. 

For specific permit and application requirements for Major Sources, refer to DBOH 030.500.

Applications, supplemental forms, and guidance documents are available on the Forms and Applications webpage. Detailed instructions are included with each application, supplemental form, and guidance document. 


How long does it take to get a Permit to Construct? 

Upon receipt of a complete application (including all required documentation and fee(s)), the AQMD will complete an administrative completeness review within thirty (30) calendar days. To reduce processing time, ensure a complete application is submitted. Refer to DBOH 030.030.A and 030.200.C.5 for the requirements of a complete application. Once the application is deemed complete, it may take up to one hundred eighty (180) calendar days to process the application.

Once issued, a Permit to Construct expires and is invalid, 1) if construction does not commence within eighteen (18) months of Permit to Construct issuance, 2) if construction commences and then ceases for a period of eighteen (18) months or longer, 3) if an Application for a new Permit to Operate or modification of an existing Permit to Operate is not submitted within twelve (12) months after initial startup, 4) upon the issuance of a Permit to Operate. (DBOH 030.020.A.6.a)

To check the status of a permit application, visit Accela One Regional Licensing & Permits (ACA).


Permit to Construct Conversion to Permit to Operate 

Upon completion of construction, but not longer than twelve (12) months after initial startup, a new or modifying source must apply to convert a Permit to Construct to a Permit to Operate. A Permit to Operate is valid for a period of five (5) years from issuance (DBOH 030.200.A.7). 


Existing Permits

What if I want to change or modify my process or equipment?

This may require a permit revision. There are several classifications of permit revisions, each with different requirements:

  1. Significant Permit Revisions (DBOH 030.200.F.1)
  2. Minor Permit Revisions (DBOH 030.200.F.2)
  3. Administrative Amendments (DBOH 030.200.F.3)
  4. Changes Made with Notice (DBOH 030.200.F.4) 
  5. Major Modifications (DBOH 030.200.F.6)

The requirements associated with each type of permit revision can be found in the DBOH Sections cited above. For applicable application forms visit Forms and Applications.

How do I renew my Permit to Operate?

Existing sources for which there are no changes to permitted equipment or operations shall file a timely Application for Permit to Operate, as defined in DBOH 030.200.C.1.c, to renew an existing Permit to Operate. If the submittal of an application for renewal of an existing minor source permit is not timely, there is no permit application shield as provided in DBOH 030.200.C.3, and the source loses its authority to operate upon permit expiration until the renewal permit is issued. If the source fails to submit an application for renewal of an existing permit prior to permit expiration, the source loses its authority to operate upon permit expiration, the source will be treated as a new minor source, and the application will be subject to all of the requirements of DBOH 030.200.C.5.

The expiration date of the existing Permit to Operate will establish the timeframe for submitting a renewal application in a timely manner. A complete application for renewal may be submitted up to two hundred seventy (270) days, but not later than one hundred eighty (180) days, prior to permit expiration to be considered a timely application. You may reference the following table for renewal application timelines. 

This table describes timeframes for submitting a timely Minor Source renewal application
Permit to Operate
Earliest to Apply
(270 days prior
to Permit expiration)
Latest to Apply
(180 days prior
to Permit expiration)
1/1/2026 4/6/2025 7/5/2025
2/1/2026 5/7/2025 8/5/2025
3/1/2026 6/4/2025 9/2/2025
4/1/2026 7/5/2025 10/3/2025
5/1/2026 8/4/2025 11/2/2025
6/1/2026 9/4/2025 12/3/2025
7/1/2026 10/4/2025 1/2/2026
8/1/2026 11/4/2025 2/2/2026
9/1/2026 12/5/2025 3/5/2026
10/1/2026 1/4/2026 4/4/2026
11/1/2026 2/4/2026 5/5/2026
12/1/2026 3/6/2026 6/4/2026

Is a Permit to Operate transferable?

A Permit to Operate may not be transferred from one location to another, or from one piece of equipment to another, but may be transferred to a new owner upon submittal of an Application for Change of Ownership and Fee and approval by the AQMD.

What are my recordkeeping and reporting requirements?

The AQMD will begin implementing the new District Board of Health (DBOH) Regulations Governing Air Quality Management CHAPTER 030 - Source Permitting and Operation on January 1, 2025. With the implementation of the new regulations comes some process changes. The AQMD encourages all permitted sources to stay informed of any potential impacts by subscribing to our email list.

Visit Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for more information. 


How much does a permit cost?

Click here for the Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) Fee Schedule


This table describes permit application fees and annual permit maintenance fees.
New and Modifying Minor Source Permit to Construct Application Fees:
Application Intake/Applicability Determination Fee $1,516 Due upon submittal of an Application for Permit to Construct.
Permit to Construct Issuance Fee $1,265 Due prior to issuance of the Permit to Construct.
Best Systems of Control (BSC) Analysis $2,402 If applicable. Refer to DBOH 030.010.A
New and Modifying Synthetic Minor Source Permit to Construct Application Fees:
Application Intake/Applicability Determination Fee $1,516 Due upon submittal of an Application for Permit to Construct.
Permit to Construct Issuance Fee $4,673 Due prior to issuance of the Permit to Construct.
Best Systems of Control (BSC) Analysis $2,402 If applicable. Refer to DBOH 030.010.A
New and Modifying Minor / Synthetic Minor Source Permit to Construct Conversion to Permit to Operate:
Upon completion of construction, but not longer than twelve (12) months after initial startup, a new or modifying minor / synthetic minor source must apply for a Permit to Operate.
Minor Source PTC Conversion to PTO $2,024 Due upon submittal of an Application for Permit to Operate.
Renewing Minor / Synthetic Minor Source Permit to Operate Application Fees:
Existing sources for which there are no changes to permitted equipment or operations.
Minor Source PTC Conversion to PTO $2,024 Due upon submittal of an Application for Permit to Operate.
New Minor / Synthetic Minor Source Permit Maintenance Fees:
A new minor source will be invoiced an annual permit maintenance fee plus an annual emission fee (based upon the allowable emissions category).
Annual Maintenance Fee (PTC) $696 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions < 20 tpy)
$260 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 20 and < 40 tpy)
$650 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 40 and < 60 tpy)
$1,622 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 60 and < 80 tpy)
$4,056 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 80 and < 100 tpy)
$10,140 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Maintenance Fee - HAP's Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 1 tpy)
$208 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct, for sources with a combined HAP PTE of ≥ 1 ton per year.
Annual Emission Fee - HAP's Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 1 tpy)
$2,080 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct, for sources with a combined HAP PTE of ≥ 1 ton per year.
Annual Equipment Fee - Gasoline Dispensing Source (Per Nozzle) $95 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Modifying Minor / Synthetic Minor Source Permit Maintenance Fees:
A modifying minor source will be invoiced an annual permit maintenance fee for the Permit to Construct and an annual permit maintenance fee plus an annual emission fee (based upon the allowable emissions category) for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Maintenance Fee (PTC) $696 Due annually for the duration of an active Permit to Construct.
Annual Maintenance Fee (PTO) $696 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions < 20 tpy)
$260 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 20 and < 40 tpy)
$650 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 40 and < 60 tpy)
$1,622 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 60 and < 80 tpy)
$4,056 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Emission Fee - Minor Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 80 and < 100 tpy)
$10,140 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.
Annual Maintenance Fee - HAP's Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 1 tpy)
$208 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate, for sources with a combined HAP PTE of ≥ 1 ton per year.
Annual Emission Fee - HAP's Source
(Allowable Emissions ≥ 1 tpy)
$2,080 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate, for sources with a combined HAP PTE of ≥ 1 ton per year.
Annual Equipment Fee - Gasoline Dispensing Source (Per Nozzle) $95 Due annually for the existing Permit to Operate.


For major source application fees and annual permit maintenance fees, please refer to the AQMD Fee Schedule or contact the AQMD at 775-784-7200 or   


Last modified on 03/20/2025