Washoe Suicide Prevention Alliance

Keep it Safe & Secure!
Attempting suicide can be an impulsive decision. The method (means) which someone attempts suicide with determines whether they survive the attempt. Temporarily restricting access to the most lethal means during a suicidal crisis can save lives.
If you have a loved one with thoughts of suicide, temporarily “suicide-proofing” the home environment can help them stay safer until their crisis resolves. This includes temporarily removing or restricting access to all firearms, unnecessary amounts of medications (including over the counter drugs like Tylenol), and other lethal items of concern.
Temporary out-of-home secure gun storage is a sensible way to make the home safer. In Nevada, a firearm can temporarily be given to an individual outside of an immediate family member for safe storage without a background check if:
- It is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm, and
- Lasts only as long as immediately necessary to prevent such imminent death or great bodily harm.
- An adult (age 18+),
- A Nevada resident, and
- Not prohibited from possessing a firearm (e.g., due to a felony conviction, mental illness, or being on probation or parole).
A firearm may also be given to an immediate family member without a background check, regardless of a threat of imminent harm.
If temporary out-of-home storage of a firearm is not possible, an eligible person may temporarily hold the access code or keys to gun safes/locks, or, a disabling gun operating component(s)-such as the firing pin or rifle bolt -in an inaccessible location.
(NRS 202.2548)
Washoe Temporary Secure Gun Storage Network
This map is to help anyone seeking temporary, voluntary firearm storage options in Washoe County. Temporarily removing all access to firearms, its ammunition, or disabling components – such as the bolt of a rifle or firing pin - is important to keep persons at risk for suicide safe for now. For more information, visit the Temporary Secure Gun Storage Network page.
For free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones
Last modified on 02/10/2025
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