Northern Nevada Public Health Respiratory Virus Surveillance Program

The Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) respiratory virus surveillance is conducted year-round. The goal is to monitor and measure the impact of respiratory viruses diseases such as influenza (“flu”), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19. Surveillance activities include obtaining and dissemination information regarding respiratory virus activity to health care providers, the public, and those concerned with disease control measures.

Respiratory virus surveillance reports are produced by NNPH every week during the typical “flu” season (October-May). This webpage is updated weekly during this time to include the newest respiratory virus surveillance report.

Information and previous reports for influenza and COVID-19 (before October 2024) can be found at their respective surveillance pages: Influenza Surveillance & COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).


Access the Respiratory Virus Surveillance Dashboard

Washoe County Weekly Respiratory Virus Surveillance Reports, Current Season

To see weekly statistics for communicable diseases reported by week in Washoe county, including influenza and COVID-19 hospitalizations, visit Communicable Disease (CD) Weekly Portal.


Washoe County Influenza & COVID-19 Reports, Past Seasons

NNPH Influenza Surveillance

NNPH COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)


Nevada Respiratory Reports, Current Season

Monitoring Respiratory Illness in Nevada- This dashboard is run by the Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH).


U.S. Weekly Respiratory Reports & Statistics

Respiratory Illness – Statistics and information associated with influenza, RSV and COVID-19.

National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS)


Vaccination Information

General Information

For general information on respiratory illness, specific information for healthcare providers and other groups (e.g., childcare, parents, businesses and employees), prevention recommendations, and vaccination opportunities and information see NNPH’s Clinical and Community Health Services Immunization Program site or The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Respiratory Illnesses site.

Last modified on 03/28/2025