5210 Healthy Washoe
5210 Healthy Washoe works with communities to create environments that support healthy choices in everyday settings including schools, health care offices and workplaces. 5210 Healthy Washoe was adapted from Let’s Go! a nationally recognized obesity prevention initiative and is a simple guideline with the following message:
- 5 or more servings of fruits & vegetables per day.
- 2 or less hours of screen time
- 1 hour or more of physical activity and
- 0 sugary drinks per day.
5210 Healthy Washoe is a community based program committed to increasing healthy eating and active living behaviors among children and adults. 5210 Healthy Washoe has a unique partnership of Washoe County’s leading health, business and community organizations. Through our network of community partners we foster positive changes, one healthy choice at a time.
Contact us: 5210HealthyWashoe@nnph.org
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Last modified on 08/28/2024
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