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What is 5210 Healthy Washoe?

5210 Healthy Washoe works with communities to create environments that support healthy choices in everyday settings, including schools, healthcare offices, workplaces and other community organizations. 5210 Healthy Washoe was adapted from Let’s Go! a nationally recognized obesity prevention initiative. It promotes a simple guideline with the following message: 


5210 Healthy Washoe is a community-based program committed to increasing healthy eating and active living behaviors among children and adults. 5210 Healthy Washoe has a unique partnership of Washoe County’s leading health, business and community organizations. Through our network of community partners, we foster positive changes, one healthy choice at a time. 

Why 5210?

5-A diet rich in fruits in vegetables:
  • Provides vitamins and minerals to support growth, development, and immune function in children
  • Is associated with lower rates of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer
  • Can help prevent weight gain, and can be an important aid to achieving and sustaining a healthy weight

2-Watching too much television and using other screen media is associated with increased prevalence of overweight and obesity, lower reading scores, and attention problems in children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends:
  • Sensible, consistent limits on screen time for ages 5+
  • 1 hour max limit on screen time for ages 2-5
  • No screen time for ages 18 months and younger
  • Keeping media devices out of the bedroom

1-Regular physical activity is essential for:
  • Weight maintenance
  • Preventing many chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, osteoporosis, and more)
  • Children who are raised with active lifestyles are more likely to stay active as adults, compared to those raised with sedentary lifestyles

0-High intake of sugar-sweetened beverages among children is associated with overweight and obesity, displacement of milk consumption and dental cavities.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends:
  • 4 ounces max of 100% fruit juice per day for ages 1-3
  • 4-6 ounces max of 100% fruit juice per day for ages 4-6
  • 8 ounces max of 100% fruit juice per day for ages 7+
  • Water is the healthiest, low-cost, zero-calorie beverage option that is good for everyone.

How you can help improve community health as a:

Resources to help you live healthier:

Explore 5210 efforts in Washoe County or sign up as a 5210 site:

Contact us to learn more:5210healthywashoe@nnph.org

Last modified on 02/03/2025