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In lieu of the regulations concerning certified food protection managers (CFPM), below are a list of FAQ's to help operators and the public navigate the requirements.

Q1. Am I required to have a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)?  

A. Yes, all food establishments in Washoe County with the exception of Risk Level 1 establishments and temporary food establishments will be required to have at least one CFPM.

Q2. How do I obtain a NNPH approved CFPM certificate?  

A. In order to obtain certification of a food protection manager in Washoe County, a person must pass a food safety certification examination and be issued a certificate from one of the following accredited certification organizations, or by a program developed by one of these organizations, recognized by the Conference for Food Protection (CFP):          

 To view all CFP certified and ANSI accredited programs, follow the link to register - 


Q3. Are there local resources available that can assist with my certification needs and/or to proctor a food safety certification examination?  

A. Yes. You can access the websites of the organizations referenced in Q2 above to search for local resources.

Q4. Do I still need to take a 16 hour training class from a Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) approved instructor?  

A. No, as of June 15, 2015, the NNPH no longer approves and certifies instructors. It will be the responsibility of the establishment permit holder to prepare, document and implement a training plan for each employee preparing to take a CFPM examination. The plan must include one of the following options:

     1. Education in employee hygiene, methods of disease transmission, symptoms of foodborne disease, time and temperature control for safety food, and equipment sanitization


     2. Completion of a training program from one of the above listed accredited certification organizations recognized by the Conference for Food Protection (CFP). This may include any training program developed or utilized by the accredited certification organization for purposes of preparing candidates to take a food safety certification examination.

Q5. Am I required to obtain a NNPH CFPM photo ID card or certificate?  

A. No, as of June 15, 2015, the NNPH no longer issues CFPM photo ID cards and certificates.

Q6. Do I need to post my CFPM certificate in my establishment?  

A. Yes, CFPM certificates issued by an accredited certification organization must be prominently posted in the food establishment next to the permit to operate.

Q7. What happens if I fail my initial CFPM examination?  

A. For employees who do not pass their initial food safety certification examination, the establishment permit holder must modify the food safety training plan to include completion of a training program developed or used by one of the accredited certification organizations recognized by the CFP. The employee is required to complete this training prior to retaking the examination. Please see Chapter 040 Food Protection Manager Certification in the  food regulations for additional information on the changes to the Certified Food Protection Manager requirements.

Q8. Will we still recognize cards and/or certificates issued by NNPH?  

A. Yes. We will continue to recognize any CFPM card/certificate issued by NNPH until they expire. For those who obtained food protection manager certification through one of the four accredited certification organizations, they must renew their certificates in accordance with the requirements/guidelines of those organizations. For those who received their NNPH certification through reciprocity, they will be required to obtain certification through an accredited certification organization once their NNPH certificate expires.

Q9. Who can I have proctor my examinations?  

A. Any individual who is approved to proctor an examination from one of the certification organizations listed in Q2.  You can access the websites of the organizations referenced in Q2 above to search for local resources.

Q10. If I am an instructor, can I continue to conduct food safety training in Washoe County?  

A. Yes. However, if you are conducting food safety training intended for an individual to obtain their food protection manager certificate, the training must be;

     1. In accordance with that individual’s specific training program as prepared, documented, and implemented by the establishment’s permit holder (see Q4)


     2. A program developed or utilized by one of the accredited certification organizations (see Q2) for purposes of preparing candidates to take a food safety certification examination.


Please call or email us using the link below with any questions regarding the requirements for Food Protection Manager Certification.

Northern Nevada Public Health
Environmental Health Services
1001 East Ninth Street
Reno NV 89512
(775) 328-2434
Fax (775) 328-6176

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Last modified on 08/15/2023